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It is important to understand the effects of fracking that companies do not want to tell you.

Energy Needs

The United States is facing greater need for energy production. These needs arise from the rapidly growing population and from increased modernization and new technologies. Click "More" to learn about the need for new methods of energy production.


Although fracking has shown economic benefits and significant positive results with regards to natural gas production, there are several environmental effects that have been of concern recently. Click "More" to learn about the effects of fracking on water, air, and earthquakes.

 Current Policy

There are several forms of legislation in place to help manage fracking procedures and to set measures regarding the responsible handling of wastewater. Click "More" to learn about how the government deals with fracking operations. 

New Solutions

There have been proposed solutions to better managing fracking and seeking alternative sources of energy that produce fewer environmental problems. These solutions deal with renewable forms of energy, such as solar and wind energy. Click "More" to find out about how green technology stacks up to fracking.

Reproductive Problems

Radon Gas

Asthma Rates

Oklahoma Earthquakes

​Is fracking to blame for Oklahoma's earthquakes?


April 6, 2015 - "Since late 2009, the U.S. Geological Survey found Oklahoma has had 300 times more earthquakes than in previous decades. The latest study says 300 million-year-old fault lines have been reactivated and are capable of producing a magnitude-6.0 quake."

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